Her beautiful fur… gone. And that scar will never fully disappear. You can properly watch the new gallery by selecting ☾YMBERLIGHT > COMIC from the menu, or simply go here: GALLERY
Her beautiful fur… gone. And that scar will never fully disappear. You can properly watch the new gallery by selecting ☾YMBERLIGHT > COMIC from the menu, or simply go here: GALLERY
Yesterday was Christmas and we spectacularly managed to forget to post this “special” page on the website. Anyway… here’s a new FurryTails update! With festive, red hats, since it’s Christmas and all. Original page (with no hats!) is available on …
Alive and not bothering to pay you a visit. What a man you are, Jack. You can properly watch the new gallery by selecting ☾YMBERLIGHT > COMIC from the menu, or simply go here: GALLERY
We did it! Second volume of FurryTails is on sale on Gumroad, this time with a starting price of 6.50$ (more extra contents were added compared to those offered in Volume I). You can see the details by clicking on …
We apologize for the delay in publishing the main comic, but right now we’re working hard to release FurryTails’s Volume 2 on Gumroad. A very heavy conversation is about to begin… You can properly watch the new gallery by selecting ☾YMBERLIGHT …