☾YMBERLIGHT, chapter 1 [UPDATE 08/01/2019]

They never had a simple relationship, we’ve already seen that a number of times in the old comics. So, Cynthia is right when she thinks Jack despises her. But Howard seems to have a better understanding of the whole situation, Jack’s mental state included, and he wants Cynthia to consider the hare’s behavior from a different angle…

You can properly watch the new gallery by selecting ☾YMBERLIGHT > COMIC from the menu, or simply go here: GALLERY

(NOTE: if you have questions regarding the new graphic style, it might be useful to take a look at this post: ABOUT ☾YMBERLIGHT’S RESTYLING)

☾YMBERLIGHT, chapter 1 [UPDATE 07/30/2019]

Things aren’t exactly nice between Jack and Cynthia. He doesn’t want Cynthia to take care of him, and his slightly depressed attitudine is indication of a even bigger problem. Is Cynthia prepared to what awaits her? This is the first time she witnesses such an attitude on Jack’s part…

You can properly watch the new gallery by selecting ☾YMBERLIGHT > COMIC from the menu, or simply go here: GALLERY

(NOTE: if you have questions regarding the new graphic style, it might be useful to take a look at this post: ABOUT ☾YMBERLIGHT’S RESTYLING)