Impressions about ☾YMBERLIGHT, chapter 2

Impressions about ☾YMBERLIGHT, chapter 2


Since the publication of ☾YMBERLIGHT's  chapter 2 has ended, we'd like to ask you for a quick feedback in order to better understand the thought of our readers.
All the questions flagged as "required" need to be answered, or you won't be able to submit your entry.

Good poll!

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What's your overall impression about ☾YMBERLIGHT's chapter 2?
Select a number from 1 (bad) to 5 (very good):

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What do you think of the chapter, story-wise? Express you thoughts or just write a number (1-5) to rate it.

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Did you find the introduction of a completely new character (Reiji) interesting?

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In the debate at the beginning of the chapter, as far as you could tell, who do you agree more with? Explain your motives, if you like.

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What do you think of the relationship between Jack and Cynthia at this point? Choose every answer you find it appropriate.

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What character did you like the most between Jack and Cynthia?

How do you think Cynthia "handled" Jack in this chapter?

Did this chapter arise questions about anything? Feel free to write down your thoughts.

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