Let’s start with this new chapter and let’s say that Will is a character who goes straight to the point …
As we wrote some days ago, the entire chapter 5 is already available on Gumroad for 1.50$.
You can properly watch the new gallery by selecting ☾YMBERLIGHT > COMIC from the menu, or simply go here: GALLERY
Alternatively… keep scrolling! 😉
Well, I know, males and females can be good friends but there’s still a grey area between these two that it’s not precisely of my liking. Maybe, it’s because I still haven’t had the chance to really appreciate their relationship at this point but *sigh* at least to me, in “Where I want to Stand” it was pretty obvious that Will liked Cynthia, a lot, and that he wasn’t precisely happy after seeing both lovebird’s reaction to each other. The “I see now” sounded painful. That doesn’t sound like the cheeky remarks Greg does because he knows what is happening, nope,… Read more »
Ok. First impressions… Long answer coming later
Holy Cow! Nice place for a fancy dinner. Well done, my boy.
Poor Cynthia. But can you blame them? You two look perfect together… Ouch! Sorry; Little Flame but it’s true. Don’t worry, I love William but you are still my favorite; Jack. Even if you are an idi*t. ♥
He knows her so well Easy for him to catch she’s nervous and she’s drinking like a sailor…
Yeah, right. Appreciating the dress… he’s a gentlemammal but still a male…
Dude! Wait!! WHAT?!!!
“Yeah, right. Appreciating the dress… he’s a gentlemammal but still a male…”
Right XD
Estoy completamente perdida con las fechas. Acá dice que la fecha es 25 de noviembre del 2016 y en la fecha del primer capítulo de Cymberlight Cynthia recoge a Jack de la clínica en la que estaba el 22 de noviembre del 2016. Entonces, para el momento de esta cena, ¿Jack ya tuvo su accidente?, ¿Ya volvimos al presente? No entiendo, alguien que me ubique por favor JAJAJA
Pd: Jack es mi favorito pero William no está nada mal. 🥴❤️
22 novembre 2016: Nel primo capitolo Cynthia preleva Jack dalla clinica dove è stato ricoverato per qualche mese a causa di un incidente che l’ha ridotto come hai visto e che l’ha costretto agli arresti domiciliari. 23 novembre 2016 (capitolo 2): Cynthia riesce finalmente a comprendere meglio le reali condizioni psicofisiche di Jack e i due sembrano quasi raggiungere un punto d’incontro, anche se devono lavorarci ancora parecchio 24/25 novembre 2016 (capitolo 3): Jack perde le staffe a causa dell’insofferenza che l’isolamento, la sua precaria condizione lavorativa e l’improvvisa e costante presenza di Cynthia nel suo quotidiano gli stanno procurando così… Read more »
Muchas gracias, Rem
Esto de ser despistada o distraída no es nada nuevo en mí y, como vos decís, lo más seguro es que me haya perdido un poco por el capítulo 4 pero tu explicación me ayudó a ubicarme de nuevo. <3
Non ti preoccupare! può capitare con pubblicazioni così a lento rilascio e il capitolo 4 è stato davvero lungo. felice di esserti stata utile, grazie per la tua gentilezza nel commentare sempre!
Creo que todos amamos a Jack con locura, pero William tiene ese algo que lo hace lindo y encantador. ¡Mi muchachito! ¡Pobrecito! T_T Ojalá le regalen una chica maravillosa que lo ame con locura, tal como él se lo merece.
Damn Cynthia, you know it’s okay to stop serving looks every now and then my gosh- XD
She looks lovely! *^ ^*
Me when I got to that last panel:
(holy crap William holds no punches……. Like sh-, no pause. and so slick with it too???)