Here we are with the Wednesday release, but tell us, dear: how are things going? are you comfortable with these weekly publications in small blocks? are you better off than Cynthia in these pages or are you too drowned in existential distress? let us know, don’t be shy!

As we wrote some days ago, the entire chapter 5 is already available on Gumroad for 1.50$.

You can properly watch the new gallery by selecting ☾YMBERLIGHT > COMIC from the menu, or simply go here: GALLERY
Alternatively… keep scrolling! 😉

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Why do you do this to me?! I went from LMAO with the first image (even forgot I’m at the office, Oops!) to almost burst into tears with the last panel! Long post later…sniff sniff

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It’s real, I definitely forgot I was at work and started laughing like a hyena, so glad I have my own office but anyone outside my door probably was wondering what the heck was wrong with me. Oopsy! I don’t know what is funnier, Cynthia choking with her wine or William’s face.   Later my heart just melted. Why William have to be so freaking adorable?! His concern face just kills me! He’s so sweet and caring! Hmmm… I guess she sends mixed signals to William, just like Jack used to send mixed signals to her… sigh… I’m afraid you’re… Read more »


Thank you for always being so nice to me and answering some of my questions! As a good friend once told me “Attraction is a bloody mystery” and as someone who has been attracted to a variety of men, completely different from one another, I can testify that it is true. However, I totally agree with you. In fact, opposites might attract each other, but attraction and love are very different things. Holy Cow! Even love and a good relationship are very different things. When you get older, you understand that many times not even love is enough to keep… Read more »

snooy dance.gif
Last edited 2 years ago by Liliux79

The weekly publications in small blocks are giving me life-
I get so excited when we get an update *^ ^*
I’m most certainly drowning like Cynthia at the moment and failing to gain my footing in life again – so it helps, and I’m grateful to have something to look forward too.

Last edited 2 years ago by Ookami
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