🔔 Wrap-up of our WIPs

🥳 Howdy, everyone!

You haven’t heard from us in a while, and you might think we’ve vanished into thin air. Fear not, however, because we’re actually juggling a lot of projects at the moment, and it can be challenging to maintain an organized record – you’ve probably noticed the radio silence of the past two months, but it’s really just us being unable to keep our readers updated on a regular basis. So, let’s attempt to summarize the current status:

  • 🐰🔪 The next set of pages – all up to the 23rd – for CODENAME: RUST are underway. Further, the initial pages will soon be published on our website.

  • 🍷😈 The “novel” part of the small visual novel Can’t Hold My Feelings, featuring Monica and Jacob, is complete. Alas, we are slightly behind on the “visual” part due to our concentration on a 7-page introductory comic. Rem’s take on Monica and Jacob’s chara design has improved a lot, and I’m excited to share it with you! The characters are absolutely adorable, I promise.

  • EXCITING UPDATE: ✨ I’m currently working on the scene-by-scene plot of Estelle and have just finished the first act! The second act is coming along nicely, all things considered. The storyline is progressing well and, from my perspective, is engaging and prompts one to find out more. Monica is a great main character, and Jacob is truly husband material, gne 🩷

Don’t forget you can always ask us for any information you might be interested in, especially if we’re not informing you ourselves. That being said, see you!

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Hmmmmmm… BATMAN


Great to hear from the both of you! Have a blessed Christmas and a very Happy New Year! 😀

Do you have anything to say? Please let us know!x