Jack’s Savage Fantasies [UPDATE 18/03/2019] – COMPLETED!

The comic Jack’s Savage Fantasies has been updated with pages 24-32!
You can read the new pages by clicking on the Continue reading → button; alternatively, you can read the whole comic by selecting CYMBERLIGHT > CYMBERLIGHT:PROTOTYPE > COMICS > JACK’S SAVAGE FANTASIES from the menu, or simply go here: GALLERY

Jack’s Savage Fantasies’ status is now officially COMPLETED.

Keep reading“Jack’s Savage Fantasies [UPDATE 18/03/2019] – COMPLETED!”

Operation Dinnertime ITA [pagine 29-45] – FINE!

Primo post in italiano su questo sito, incredibile ma vero!

Abbiamo aggiornato le pagine in italiano di Operation Dinnertime dalla 29 alla 36. Le potete trovare alla sezione Fumetti e storie in italiano, oppure, per comodità, qui trovate la galleria di Google Drive con tutte le pagine pronte per essere lette.

Aggiornamento del 08/03: abbiamo aggiunto anche le pagine dalla 37 alla 45, terminando così la traduzione del comic. Trovate tutto ai link indicati sopra.



For Valentine’s Day, we decided to prepare something new, but most of all, something officially canon.

A new story is available in the NOVELS section of the menu. It’s settled some months after the end of the J comic, and it is part of the new series we’re going to work on after the end of “Jack’s Savage Fantasies” comic. The moment we release this new series, every other work  we’ve made up until now will be considered prior to this series, and the series itself will be considered the main one.
The story we’re publishing today, Lightweight, is a missing moment of the main comic which will be released in a couple of months (maybe less) from now. You can already find a lot of clues about the turn Jack and Cynthia’s story is going to take, and we’re sure you’ll like it.

You can find this illustration by selecting GALLERY > ARTWORKS from the menu. As for the short novel, you can read it here by hitting the Continue reading → button, or simply go here.

Keep reading“CANON SHORT NOVEL: Lightweight”

Operation Dinnertime [UPDATE 07/02/2019] – COMPLETED!

The comic Operation Dinnertime has been updated with pages 38-45! You can read the new pages by clicking on the Continue reading → button; alternatively, you can read the whole comic by selecting CYMBERLIGHT > CYMBERLIGHT:PROTOTYPE > COMICS > OPERATION DINNERTIME from the menu, or simply go …