Happy (belated) birthday, Zac!

Zac’s birthday was yesterday, but since it was August 15th, we couldn’t make this post in time. Happy birthday, kitty! We love you so much! 🧑

Aoi: So, Zac, today is your birthday! Cheers!
Zac: Hehe, thank you! I’m happy that you remembered even if I have not yet appeared in Cymberlight.
Aoi: Of course I did. I’m sure everyone is still waiting for your debut.
Zac: Really?! They want to see me?
Aoi: You bet!
Zac: Amaaaaazing! (Zac starts dancing around the room, making meow-ish noises) By the way, I made a thing yesterday.
Aoi: A thing? You mean, a disaster?
Zac: No, no, no! I made… (Zac rummages inside his β€œThe Amazing Heroes” backpack) THIS! (He shows me his sketchbook)
Aoi: Oh… that’s… a drawing.
Zac: Yup!
Aoi: …
Zac: …
Aoi: Um…
Zac: Yes?
Aoi: It’s… pretty awesome, I guess.
Zac: …You don’t like it?
Aoi: Eh? Oh, no, it’s really well made! I’m just, like, a little confused? (I point at the character that looks like a demon) This is Cynthia, I suppose…?
Zac: Yes! She’s the Demon Queen here.
Aoi: …I see. β€œCynthia… I’m sorry…”
Zac: And this knight…
Aoi: …Is you.
Zac: It’s me! (Zac nods enthusiastic)
Aoi: Too bad he has his back to us, I can’t see his face.
Zac: It’s because, you know, he’s not important in this scene. He’s just a vassal.
Aoi: …A vassal.
Zac: That’s right.
Aoi: …Okay, (I massage my eyebrows, feeling like I’m leading to a stonking revelation) so let me get this straight: you made a drawing in which Cynthia is the Demon Queen, and you are her vassal. Moreover you are… (I point at the bundle the knight is holding out to the Queen) offering her a prisoner?
Zac: I’m paying a tribute. She asked the knight to bring her a sacrifice. To do… (Zac glances around and starts whispering for no apparent reason) you know, things.
Aoi: …What things?
Zac: Demonic things.
Aoi: …Yeah, sounds legit. (I keep gazing at the β€˜sacrifice’) They… they’ve got familiar… ears.
Zac: Of course! (A broad smile appears on Zac’s face) There’s only one kind of prisoner Ms. Cynthia would claim, after all. As her vassal, it was my duty to provide her with what she wanted.
Aoi: β€œYeah, I think I got a pretty good idea of why she’d want such a sacrifice…”

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LOL!!! I love Zac!

That’s a wonderful sacrifice. What a cute prisoner. Does he looks angry or… ? Wait, is he looking at… ? *cough* Oh, well, maybe what displeases him is being tied, guess he will not be angry for too long… and I doubt his screams later will be from pain…

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