They’re cute, aren’t they? This design has inspired us a lot, so much that we decided to make a little special AU that will be available for preview on Patreon in the next few days.
Stay tuned!
They’re cute, aren’t they? This design has inspired us a lot, so much that we decided to make a little special AU that will be available for preview on Patreon in the next few days.
Stay tuned!
The comic Jack’s Savage Fantasies has been updated with pages 24-32!
You can read the new pages by clicking on the Continue reading → button; alternatively, you can read the whole comic by selecting CYMBERLIGHT > CYMBERLIGHT:PROTOTYPE > COMICS > JACK’S SAVAGE FANTASIES from the menu, or simply go here: GALLERY
Jack’s Savage Fantasies’ status is now officially COMPLETED.
Keep reading“Jack’s Savage Fantasies [UPDATE 18/03/2019] – COMPLETED!”
For a long time I wondered what title would suit the comic we were going to make; in the end, I came up with this name: CYMBERLIGHT.
It has a meaning, of course, but you’ll discover it when the right time comes. All you need to know for now is that Cymberlight will be our main comic, and everything else will be collected under the name of Cymberlight:Prototype. This means that both the COMICS section and the NOVELS section have been moved under CYMBERLIGHT > CYMBERLIGHT:PROTOTYPE, which can be accessed from the usual menu.
Thus, if you want a name to refer to Jack and Cynthia’s adventures, “Cymberlight” is the deal.
I already wrote the summary for the first volume, and we’re currently working on the first chapter. It’ll be a long, although regular, way, and we hope to keep going until the very end.
See you soon!
Primo post in italiano su questo sito, incredibile ma vero!
Abbiamo aggiornato le pagine in italiano di Operation Dinnertime dalla 29 alla 36. Le potete trovare alla sezione Fumetti e storie in italiano, oppure, per comodità, qui trovate la galleria di Google Drive con tutte le pagine pronte per essere lette.
Aggiornamento del 08/03: abbiamo aggiunto anche le pagine dalla 37 alla 45, terminando così la traduzione del comic. Trovate tutto ai link indicati sopra.
Due to technical reasons regarding our next, and definitive, comic that we’re planning to make, we removed J from the storyline. From now on, it’ll be considered just a pilot: that means that some elements in it could still result …