Operation Dinnertime [UPDATE 09/01/2019]

The comic Operation Dinnertime has been updated with pages 34-37!
You can read the new pages by clicking on the Continue reading → button; alternatively, you can read the whole comic by selecting CYMBERLIGHT > CYMBERLIGHT:PROTOTYPE > COMICS > OPERATION DINNERTIME from the menu, or simply go here: GALLERY

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Jack’s Savage Fantasies [UPDATE 16/12/2018]

The comic Jack’s Savage Fantasies has been updated with pages 17-23!
You can read the new pages by clicking on the Continue reading → button; alternatively, you can read the whole comic by selecting CYMBERLIGHT > CYMBERLIGHT:PROTOTYPE > COMICS > JACK’S SAVAGE FANTASIES from the menu, or simply go here: GALLERY

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Admiral William White

Today, December 12, is William White‘s birthday.

Will is a character we haven’t shown you yet. He’s an admiral, and has been knowing Cynthia since a long time; just like her, he’s an arctic fox. When he gets back to Portanova, they often hang out together.
Will is a kind soul: he’s reassuring, patient, and emanates an aura of dignity and respect. However, he’s also able to easily put others at ease thank to his soft smile and the tranquillity he inspires.

He loves wide-open spaces, and his favorite nature’s elements are water and wind. He’s a glutton for fish, and fishing is one of his hobbies.

You can find this sketch by selecting GALLERY > SKETCHES from the menu.