Bunny!Cynthia – Easter AU

A little preview of the Easter AU currently on-going on our Patreon! To see this content now, you can visit this page (warning: it requires you to become at least a tier $5 patron); or, you can wait June to see it for free!

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Holy Cow! Suddenly I thought: almost sure this is how Eve looked Adam when she offered him the apple *burst out laughing* My poor boy doesn’t stand a chance against those gorgeous eyes… and abundance of attributes. One of the things I enjoy the most about AU’s, is how easy their relationship develops at any time. They are meant to be together. Different lives, different stories, different backgrounds but they always find each other, again and again. Iโ€™m only hoping that in this universe their love story is simpler, without all the burdens that come with a painful past. Just… Read more ยป

Gage M

I always see you on here. Good to knoe they have fans that always check if they make anything new every couple days. What is an AU anyways? Does it stand for alternate universe? Sorta like the non canon stories where Cynthia and Jack canโ€™t stay away from eachother.

Gage M

Have you ever made an official story explaining the AUโ€™s or no? How do they know eachother differently and how different are their lifes.

Gage M

Im excited to see it! Canโ€™t wait for Cymberlight! Keep up the great work guys.

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