For Valentine’s Day, we decided to prepare something new, but most of all, something officially canon.

A new story is available in the NOVELS section of the menu. It’s settled some months after the end of the J comic, and it is part of the new series we’re going to work on after the end of “Jack’s Savage Fantasies” comic. The moment we release this new series, every other work  we’ve made up until now will be considered prior to this series, and the series itself will be considered the main one.
The story we’re publishing today, Lightweight, is a missing moment of the main comic which will be released in a couple of months (maybe less) from now. You can already find a lot of clues about the turn Jack and Cynthia’s story is going to take, and we’re sure you’ll like it.

You can find this illustration by selecting GALLERY > ARTWORKS from the menu. As for the short novel, you can read it here by hitting the Continue reading → button, or simply go here.

Keep reading“CANON SHORT NOVEL: Lightweight”

Operation Dinnertime [UPDATE 07/02/2019] – COMPLETED!

The comic Operation Dinnertime has been updated with pages 38-45! You can read the new pages by clicking on the Continue reading → button; alternatively, you can read the whole comic by selecting CYMBERLIGHT > CYMBERLIGHT:PROTOTYPE > COMICS > OPERATION DINNERTIME from the menu, or simply go …

Himiko (日美子)


January 27 is Himiko‘s birthday.

She’s a 36 years old marble fox and head of the Oshiroibana clan in Japan. She developed an authoritarian attitude to be worthy of the position she has inherited, but she actually is a very caring and motherly vixen.
Every day, Himiko goes to the clan’s own temple and prays her ancestors to give her what she lacks to be a good leader. However, this vixen is aware that true strength won’t be simply granted by some miracle; that’s why she learned how to fight with her fan, which is provided with a thin, yet lethal blade on its rim.

Because of the color of her eyes, rumor has it that Himiko could be the reincarnation of the very first female leader of the clan, who was believed to be a witch.

You can find this sketch by selecting GALLERY > SKETCHES from the menu.

Happy birthday, Cynthia!

In Italy, our country, it’s Cynthia’s birthday! 🎉
To celebrate the occasion, Remy drew a special artwork and Aoi wrote a little snippet which gives context to the illustration.

The drawing and the story are respectively available on GALLERY > ARTWORKS and NOVELS > NON-CANON NOVELS > A SPECIAL GIFT from the menu. Alternatively, you can read the story here by hitting the Continue reading → button, or simply go here.

Keep reading“Happy birthday, Cynthia!”